Complimentary Services
Your first 30 minute strategy session is complimentary to receive info on your total addressable market, an opportunity assessment, a risk assessment, a roadmap, and options.
There is a Community Board on the forum that you may use for free promotion, backlinks, and/or search engine optimization.
Try a self paced online marketing course for free too.
I have a free Affiliate Marketing Workshop you can join to learn about how I run my company and try my marketing routines yourself. You also receive free consultations and learning sessions when you join the program.
Plus when you join my contact list you get free marketing eBooks and up to date market information.
Or you can check out marketing notes & more on my YouTube channel!
Also I have been writing on my blog since 2018 about what I feel makes or breaks my business.
The Company Cookbook is a paid subscription on the blog, but everything else is free to read.
I do free events every now and then. Be sure to sign up for the contact list or check back in to find out when!
There is an online classes list and reading list on my site both with mixed material of free and paid options.
You can check out the Lexipedia for a free music marketing encyclopedia.
The Affiliate Marketing Workshop also comes with access to everything I have ever learned about marketing, including the Company Cookbook material.